tiistai 4. toukokuuta 2010

Who hates fashion and why?

On the other day I red Tavi's blog and I run into an old update which is posted 22.1.10, so I'm kinda late to comment it. Tavi commented for Tanya Gold published article in The Guardian "Why I hate fashion" After reading it I also had to say something, even when Tavi's post was way more comprehensive and I completely agree with her. Before reading forward please read the article and Tavi's post first.

In my opinion I highlight: in my opinion (because we could argue this for ages) anorexic models, size issues etc. are not fashion, like some people seem to think, they are fashions nasty by-products which are formed because people misunderstood the ultimate meaning of fashion. I think fashion is when people express themselves through the clothes it's not important whether designer clothes or bought from flea market, it's the most interesting when people combine cheap and expensive clothes. People who dress themselves like they want and feel confident in their clothes usually inspire not only themselves but others. 'Fashion is everywhere' like mademoiselle Chanel said. Since "fashion" started to exist it's always been argued what's fashion and what's not, so don't confuse yourself it's best that you decide what it is to you.

For example check these websites. High fashion and street fashion, very similar but same time different. Inspired by each other.


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