lauantai 3. huhtikuuta 2010

20 and dumb

Hi, for a while I have been trying to create a blog which would please me, but some how it seems difficult, but I'm trying again.

So let me introduce myself, I'm Miss AG. I was quite unsure of myself before but experiencing bunch of things and getting older has made me more confident, but possibly more crazy, I think, so be aware. Hahaha! :D

I'm a hopeless optimist and a day dreamer, though contradictory I feel very cynical at times and feel like I haven't learnt anything. And I mean one specific thing which I won't talk about any more. Sorry, I just couldn't resist a little angst moment. But I have warned you and I'm really trying to keep this blog clear of all that kind of crap and writing more about fashion moments and inspirations, okey.

I respect Lady Gaga very much. It's always interesting to follow what she's up to next. Her music videos are so inspiring. I'm always waiting to see her outfits. I love her style, though I wouldn't use all of them out in public.

I just love this outfit, I think I'd use this, it's so stylish. (From Gaga's new music video 'Telephone')

I also look up to Coco Chanel. I think she has become my idol or something. I have seen the movies and I'm currently reading her biography. I just noticed that even though it seems like Chanel and Gaga have nothing in common they both have kind of shocked the people of their time.
Maybe I hope to become one of them ?

I'm studying clothing industry and I'll graduate next autumn. I have some plans which I'm trying to carry out for autumn, but more about that later.

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